Behavioural Coaching Certificate

Behavioural Money Coaching is the bridge between two worlds: the financial services industry and the field of money psychology.

If you help people to make financial decisions, then understanding how your clients make their financial decisions, sits at the heart of your process.

This training provides an in-depth understanding of Behavioural Money Coaching including the benefits and advantages it provides to advisers, planners, and their clients.

People often fail to fulfil their financial plans and/or sabotage their investment strategies due to secondary issues and emotions that undermine their ability to sustain their desired outcomes. And in general, we can’t expect to solve what is essentially an emotional or behavioural problem with only a financial solution. We can, however, begin to solve financial problems by understanding and providing behavioural solutions that support financial goals.

The Behavioural Coaching model developed by the Money Coaching Institute of California is an innovative approach that assists clients (and their advisers/planners) to identify and manage their personal, emotional and financial behaviours and triggers.

This model helps the adviser/planner and client to work together to form a deeper understanding of the patterns and behaviours that often derail the client’s ability to achieve their financial goals.

With the guidance and support of a good adviser/planner, clients are far more likely to move beyond limiting patterns and beliefs. In many cases, your client’s financial success has more to do with what goes on in their mind than the amount of knowledge stored up in yours.

The Certificate is based on the full Certified Money Coach (CMC)® training programme and has been specifically designed to incorporate the needs of financial professionals. It is suitable for anyone who handles client finances and covers the following key learnings:

  • The Mind and Money: neuroeconomics and the origins of money patterns and beliefs
  • Understanding inherited Family Patterns
  • Understanding and working with different client money types
  • Understanding the biology that drives money emotions and money decisions
  • Powerful money coaching questions & frameworks for inquiry
  • Identifying underlying money patterns and behaviours
  • Determining a client’s “Core” money issues
  • Developing a plan & strategy for change
  • Understanding your own biases and money drivers

More specifically, participants will learn:

  • Why clients have money blocks and where they come from
  • Why some clients don’t follow your advice or stick to plans
  • Why some of them can’t reduce their spending and others can’t spend any money at all
  • How to support clients during financial transitions and life events
  • Why even talking about money can be difficult for some clients
  • How to have open and meaningful money conversations
The Behavioural Coaching Certificate provided a real insight into how the mind works with regards to our relationship with money. I was really engaged through the course and found it very worthwhile.
Stefani Williams, AFPS Chartered Financial Planner, Partner, Holden & Partners

The programme has been accredited by the CPD Certification Service and Participants receive a certificate for 10 hours of structured CPD.

CPD Certified logo


The programme can be delivered as two 1/2 day sessions or five 2 hour sessions.

Training is live and delivered in person or via Zoom.

Training is held upon demand only and is structured around the needs of your organisation. The minimum number of participants is 5.

Half-day live sessions are held from 9.30 – 13.30

Online sessions are recorded subject to the agreement of all participants. Live sessions cannot be recorded.

Please let us know if you’re interested and we’ll run a special class when we have a total of 5 people.

Cost per participant is £295.

Full payment is required ahead of the start date.

Discounts are available for groups of 10 or more. All participants also receive a discount on further Money Coaching Institute training.

Please contact us for more details.