Money and Couples
Money is an emotive subject. Money issues are the biggest cause of divorce and suicide in the world. What is it about money that causes this problem ?
Understanding Wealth – Wealth Building
Wealth building is a process that starts with understanding your emotions, patterns and behaviour around money. Positive emotions around money underpin positive financial behaviours and drive our ability to turn surplus income into savings; this allows us to build wealth. [...]
Behavioural Economics And Investing – The Comfort Gap
The ability to quickly absorb billions of information points from your environment and then have an accurate, corresponding response ready within seconds is an incredibly valuable tool. This is our reptilian brain, which manages the ‘fight or flight’ response, helped [...]
Financial Literacy and the Psychology of Money
In 2004, two US economists named Anna Maria Lusardi and Olivia Mitchell set out to measure what people knew about basic financial principles. They attached the following 3 questions to a 2004 Health and Retirement Study being conducted in the [...]
Digitisation – Continuum, not Compartments
Technology underpins everything we do in Banking and, while the industry prides itself on being relationship based, there is nothing to say that this relationship is limited to being between two individuals. Wealth Managers have been working hard for many [...]
Financial Services – the road ahead
Previous posts have looked at some of the issues that challenge Financial Services (FS) firms as they wrestle with data, customer experience and legacy technology challenges. This article looks at some ways that FS firms have used customer needs and lifecycle [...]