Cambridge Money Coaching in the Media
Check out our latest podcast and media appearances
Podcast appearances

With Shaun Maslyk
This is one of the best podcast conversation I have had about money. Shaun asked some great questions and really got me thinking about my relationship with money. We discuss:
- my money journey
- understanding my inherited money anxiety
- living with a scarcity mentality
- the role of self-compassion in helping people to move forward
- building trust and connection with clients
- why understanding a clients money beliefs helps with financial decision making
- building a healthy relationship with money
- and much more.

With Deborah Price, Founder of the Money Coaching Institute.
Five years ago, Deborah changed my life when I signed up to be a Money Coach and started my own process of healing. As you would expect, this was a great conversation. We discuss:
- the money coach journey
- understanding my inherited money anxiety
- imposter syndrome
- helping clients to move forward
- presencing for clients
- our real legacy as parents
- what clients say are the biggest benefits of money coaching.

With Vince Carter on the CFO At Home Podcast.
We discuss:
- our relationship with money understanding childhood money messages
- healthy money behaviours
- learning as a core survival process
- dealing with money issues in relationships
- building a healthy communication framework
- the money-type quiz and money archetypes.

With Ryan DeMent on the Chasing Happiness Podcast.
We discuss:
- inherited behaviours
- how we learn as infants
- early money messaging
- money taboos
- why understanding our finances is hard
- the four positive behaviours that build wealth
- taking ownership of your financial life
- starting change with self-compassion and self-acceptance

With Michael Rearden on the Reven Concepts Show.
We discuss:
- why understanding money is hard
- what is my relationship with money
- how do we learn about money
- teaching children to be good with money
- having healthy money conversations
- modelling positive behaviours around money

With Trevor Stockwell on the Yeukai Business Show.
My second conversation on the show covering:
- understanding money behaviour
- how your brain is wired
- how to build financial wellbeing
- choice architecture
- why supporting employee financial wellbeing is critical
- how to reduce spending

With Scott Ferguson on the Time To Shine Today podcast.
Scott is a true force of nature and we had a blast. In less than 30 minutes we covered:
- money stories
- cognitive narrowing
- self-compassion
- changing money behaviour
- why managing your finances is so hard
- working with a financial advisor
- Back to the Future
- Tom Hanks
- money anxiety
It’s also on YouTube if you prefer video.

With Yeukai Kajidori on the Yeukai Business Show.
Great conversation covering:
- how money beliefs impact business finances
- where money beliefs come from
- what does a healthy relationship with money look like
- how to change your money behaviour

With Ericka Thomas on The Work IN Podcast.
Great conversation that covers money coaching tips for solopreneurs and small business owners
- where money beliefs come from
- why is managing money so hard
- the link between money beliefs and business finances
- good debt vs bad debt
- what does a healthy relationship with money look like
- how to price yourself
- how to ask for money
- managing discomfort

With Kathy Robinson on the Athena Wellness Podcast.
Great conversation covering:
- how emotion fuels and impacts our relationship to money
- where money beliefs come from
- working with limiting beliefs and barriers
- the role of money as part of our overall well-being

With Stephanie Webb on the StephUp Podcast.
One of my fa♥ourite conversations:
- where money beliefs come from
- why is managing money so hard
- what does a healthy relationship with money look like
- the role of self-compassion
- the 4 positive behaviours that build financial security

With Sifu Raphael on the Coaching Call Podcast.
Fabulous conversation:
- where does our relationship with money come from
- why money is a core security need
- teaching children to be good with money
- the 4 positive behaviours that drive wealth building
- how to get on top of your finances
- starting with self-compassion

Livestreamed Conversation with Renato Raposo on Podcast Destemidos