
Understanding Wealth – Wealth Building

Wealth building is a process that starts with understanding your emotions, patterns and behaviour around money. Positive emotions around money underpin positive financial behaviours and drive our ability to turn surplus income into savings; this allows us to build wealth. These are the key pillars of wealth building. Only once wealth reaches a certain level, [...]

Financial Services – the road ahead

Previous posts have looked at some of the issues that challenge Financial Services (FS) firms as they wrestle with data, customer experience and legacy technology challenges. This article looks at some ways that FS firms have used customer needs and lifecycle events to build customer loyalty. Let’s begin with a couple of basic principles. Firstly, when it [...]

How can we trust Banks?

The 2017 Edelman Trust Barometer* make for sobering reading. The general population’s trust in all population’s trust in all four key institutions — business, government, NGOs, and media — has declined broadly. Counter-intuitively, trust in the Financial Services (FS) sector increased slightly, though from a post-crisis low, and there is no room for complacency. Peers (defined [...]

The future of Financial Services – what will it take to live long and prosper

Under assault from regulators since 2008 and distrusted by sceptical consumers, the Financial Services (FS) industry is still trying to fix past misdeeds. But in the interim, technological advances have changed the landscape forever. While FS firms were focused on IT, regulations and upgrading core banking systems, technology firms were busy changing the relationships between consumers and [...]

Beyond UX – EX is the new Frontier

Technology drove the first client experience (CX) revolution when advances in computer processing power allowed pioneers such as Tesco to develop data driven marketing policies. And technology advances have only accelerated, delivering standards of connectivity and user experience unthinkable even 10 years ago.  The ability to track and capture all aspects of interactions through online channels [...]


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